153 research outputs found

    A switching fuzzy controller for induction motor with self-tuning capability

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    Fuzzy-logic based controllers have been recently proposed to implement vector control methods in induction motors. This paper presents a new switching self-tuning type of fuzzy controller aimed at obtaining a satisfactory performance (rise time and overshoot) in the motor response. Two fuzzy controllers, a PI-like fuzzy controller and a PD-like fuzzy controller are applied in different regions of the control space. Their responses are combined by another fuzzy inference machine which divides the control surface in a fuzzy way. Also a simple adaptive fuzzy system have been used to tune the proposed controller to provide a simple way to redefine the controller and obtain a better control action. Simulation results show that this scheme has the ability to improve the transient and steady state performance of the controlled system from the simple PD-like and PI-like fuzy controllers. The scheme has been implemented using a DSP and the simulation results have been experimentally validate

    CD-ROM multimedia como método de ayuda a la enseñanza teórica de un DSP

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    En este documento se presenta un libro electrónico interactivo realizado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla. El material didáctico servirá de complemento a las tradicionales lecciones magistrales asociadas a la asignatura “Complemento de Sistemas Electrónicos Digitales”, obligatoria de tercer curso de Ingeniero de Telecomunicación

    An efficient ordering algorithm to improve sparse vector methods

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    This paper presents a new node ordering algorithm to enhance sparse vector methods. The proposed technique locally minimizes the number of non-zero elements of the inverse of the table of factors. It uses the cardinality of the set of nodes which precede each node in the path graph as a tie-break criterion in the minimum degree elimination process. Test results are included showing that the method performs better than previously published methods.IEEE Power & Energy Societ

    Multi-Processor Architectures for Solving Sparse Linear Systems. Application to the Load Flow Problem

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    IFAC SYMPOSIUM ON COMPONENTS,INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNIQUES FOR LOW COST AUTOMATION AND APPLICATIONS.1986 (.1986.VALENCIA)Three heuristic algorithms for solving a cluster problem associated with the tearing of a symmetric matrix are presented. Based on these partitioning procedures, a method for the parallel solution of the fast decoupled load flow has been developed, although it is also suitable for the parallel solution of any linear equations system. Experimental results of applying such algorithms on several test systems have been obtained using a multiprocessor architecture

    Controladores digitales estocásticos

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    En este artículo se presenta la realización de controladores clásicos basados en el procesamiento lógico estocástico. Se aporta una descripción de las operaciones aritméticas básicas -suma, resta, multiplicación e integración. EI objetivo de esta arquitectura es proporcionar un conjunto de circuitos simples que permitan realizar estas operaciones con circuitos digitales simples. Como resultado de ello se pueden sintetizar controladores empleando dispositivos lógicos programables (FPGA). EI circuito desarrollado es aplicado a un sistema real con el uso de un convertidor analógico estocástico (ASC)

    Laboratorio virtual de DSPs basado en CDROM multimedia

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    En este documento se presenta un laboratorio virtual de Procesadores Digitales de Señal (DSPs) realizado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla. El material didáctico se empleará en las clases prácticas de la asignatura “Complemento de Sistemas Electrónicos Digitales”, de tercer curso de Ingeniero de Telecomunicación

    A language for real time simulation of processes with boolean inputs and outputs

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    This paper deals with the problem of real time simulation of processes with boolean inputs and outputs. A language for this purpose and the programs that processes it is presented. The language allows the description of processes with simultaneous evolutions as a timed petri net type of description is used. Random failures can also be Introduced in the behaviour of the model. The language allows the control of a semlgraphic CRT in order to facilitate the task of following the model behaviour

    A node ordering algorithm to speed up the solution of sparse matrix and sparse vector linear equation systems

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    Recently, more attention has been devoted to sparse vector methods in order to reduce the computational burden when solving sparse systems of linear equations. These methods exploit the sparsity of the independent vector and/or the desire to know only a subset of the unknown vector. They are also applicable when refactorization of a slightly modified matrix is required. This paper proposes a scheme to order the nodes with the purpose of reducing the number of operations when applying sparse vector methods